This message is inspired from the Reading “Walking the Line” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
In our fallen state; we want to justify our thoughts, words and actions. When we use the word “because,” it is always followed by our justification. Our justification then becomes our Opinion. Growing Spiritually, we are reminded to guard our thoughts. If it is difficult to understand we know that it is not of God’s Will. His Yoke is Easy. (Proverbs 4:20-23, Matthew 11:28)
The enemy uses Justification to lull us to sleep. We will often give Truth and Opinion equal standing. Opinion convinces us that we are Right. Our Opinion is based on worldly standards of what we see. Truth tells us that we must walk by Faith and not by sight. (Roman 12:2, Proverbs 4:11)
Truth is the Standard of God’s Kingdom. It will always set us free and bring about Perfect Peace. (Philippians 4:7)
Walking The Line
The Test of Right and Wrong
Is ever present and near
Those who Pass
Have an ear to hear
When Life tries to take
Your very existence
Our Human instincts are
To Fight with all resistance
Some will cross the Line
And Lose their way
We are thankful for His Favor
Keeping us on the Narrow Way
Only the Strong Survive
With Strength and Might
Love, Patience and Kindness
Are the Weapons of this fight
Song List
I Understand: Smokie Norful
We Need A Word from the Lord: Thomas Whitfield
He’s Done Enough: Beverly Crawford
God’s Got It: J Moss
Speak Lord: Lucinda Moore
If He Did It Before: Tye Tibbett
God wants to Hear From You: Bishop Samuel R. Blakes