That Guides Your Journey
This message is inspired by the Reading, “Everything Has Balance” from the Book, Overcoming Darkness.
Seeking Balance in our life is essential for our Spiritual Growth. Our Spiritual Growth is not influenced by Man’s Doctrines and Theories. We have cast aside the Views and Opinions found in our former beliefs. We hear a “Thus sayeth the Lord” in all of our affairs. Having Balance in our Spirit is our Weapon for fighting Spiritual Wickedness. When we seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, our Spirit is in Balance with God’s Plan (Perfect Peace). Our focus keeps our mind stayed on God. (Jeremiah 33:2-3, Ephesians 4:15, Isaiah 26:3)
Balance in our Life provides insight into the Plan God Has for Us. God has Blessed us all with Gifts and Talents. Using our Gifts and Talents to glorify Him will bring forth Blessings. We balance and limit our conversations to those matters that are Holy and Godly. (Renewing Our Minds) We then demonstrate and acknowledge God’s Favor in our Life. (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 4:11-16, Proverbs 3:6, Psalm 84:11)
The Scales of Justice provide a great example for Balance. The Scales represent balancing truth and fairness. When we apply Fairness and Truth to our daily lives, we are in Balance with God’s Order. Our thoughts are then in Harmony with God’s Plan. We relinquish the Cares of This World from our thoughts (Whom Shall I Say Sent Me?). Our Mind and Spirit are focused on God’s Kingdom being established here on Earth. (Psalm 106:3, Leviticus 19:15, 2 Corinthians 8:21, 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 21:1)
In The Kingdom, we will witness Blessings that Eye has not seen neither has it entered into the Heart of Man. He is Faithful who promises. We will see God’s perfect Balance in His Kingdom to be established here on Earth. (1 Corinthians 2:9, Hebrews 10:23, Matthew 6:10)
Everything has balance
To be perfect in God’s sight
Everything has balance
When to learn to do what is right
He controls the wind and the waves
To our lost souls God saves
God’s Balance is in His Peace
So Blessings are always within reach
Everything has balance
To have Wisdom is to have Understanding
To Trust that God’s Love
Is not at all Demanding
Everything has balance
To be perfect in His sight
We always want God’s balance
At the center of our Life