This message is inspired by the Reading “All We Need” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
Our Free Will provides fertile ground for partaking in the Fruits of Evil. Conflict, Disorder, and Confusion are among the fruits of the Evil. Our Free will grants us Authority to Bite from these fruits. Our Daily Challenge is to keep our Human Eyes closed. We often subscribe to our opinion of what is Right. His Anointed Kings and Queens understand it differently. We never trust the Human Eyes to have the answer. We Build our Spiritual Foundation on Right is Right. (Matthew 7:17)
Adam was instructed not to bite off the Fruit. The Price for this first offense has been Paid. We are now free to worship in Spirit and Truth. We are free to choose life and live. We know the difference between Good and Evil. (Genesis 2:17, Deuteronomy 30:15)
Wisdom guides us not to Bite off any Fruit that does not pass the “Right” Test. Our Spirit will not let us bite from the fruit of Opinion. Opinion is just an Opinion. Right is Always Right. (Proverbs 16:16)