This Message is inspired by the Reading “The Face Of God” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

Our Human Eyes’ associate Consequences with having negative results.  In God’s Plan Positive Actions Produce Positive Results.  The Scriptures teach us that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor. His Word is Absolute. (Ecclesiastes 3:13-16, James 1:17)

As we experience Spiritual Growth, we understand that God’s Plan always includes Positive Consequences. He has promised that all shall come to know Him from the Least to the Greatest.  Enjoying the fruits of our labor is a Gift, not what we earned. If we are diligent in letting our work glorify Him, we will benefit from the Fruits of Our Labor. Our Work is always Our Ministry. (Ecclesiastes 3:13, Psalms 128:2)

In Gross Darkness are the People.  Free Will and Opinions are rampant everywhere. As we grow we see the Consequences of Free Will and Opinions.  We Understand Every Knee Will Bow and Every Tongue Will Confess. We Focus on matters that have Positive Consequences. We have Faith in His Order. His Kingdom Come.  His Will Being Done. Knowledge brings forth Understanding. Understanding brings forth Wisdom (Isaiah 60:2, Roman 14:11, Matthew 6:10) 


When we reach the mountain top

God shines his light on us

To be his chosen vessel

For all things in Him we trust

When we reach the mountain top

Wisdom and knowledge are clear

When He holds us in his arms

His loving voice is easy to hear

When we reach the mountain top

It’s not the world we see

When we reach the mountain top

We see our Destiny

The Light God shines is brighter

It makes our burdens much lighter

Never believing in yourself

Our Heavenly Father always know best

Song For The Week

Confidence: Tasha Cobbs-Leonard

© 2020 JKDS Outreach LLC

December 1st, 2020
