Weekly Message

2020 VISION: Focus Focus Focus


In our daily walk we are presented many challenges.  Relationships, work, friends, careers and business have an impact on our Peace.  Each and every aspect of our life is challenged by the enemy to see if we will subscribe. Our ability to stay focused is our ability to pass the Test of Endurance. The answer to the Test is very peaceful.  Never take matters in our own hands. Let God fight our battles while we stand still. When we focus we understand the nature of the Spiritual War and can easily recognize the tactics of the enemy. We have Peace in knowing that strongholds will no longer exist. We are reminded to seek the Kingdom God and as a result all things will be added unto us. Attacks will come but God’s light and Grace will always overcome darkness. 

We often expend much energy accomplishing nothing.  We must visualize our intended Goal.  Once you see your plan in operation, you can set your plan in motion. Once we understand God’s Plan for us, we learn how to Focus on the Plan. Quite often we will lose focus. We begin to think we can confront our problems through our own ambitions, strength and abilities. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Our Peace is found in keeping our minds stayed on Him.

Focus releases an amazing Power. You have no time for disappointments. You devote your time to enjoyment. Enjoyment is seeking the Kingdom. We must disengage with Negative People, Negative Thoughts, and Negative Actions.

Most successful people have an ability to focus on achieving a goal.  Their success is chronicled by levels of High Achievement. They understand that God’s yoke is easy and his burden is light.

 God has given us the Gift of Focus.  We all have experienced accomplishments in which we have had to have focus. We had to focus to learn to drive.  We had to focus to achieve all the positive things we have achieved in life. If we Focus on keeping our mind stayed on Him, we will experience Perfect Peace.

The Inspirational reading below is taken from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

The Peace of God

Surpasses all understanding

When the challenges of life

Become so demanding

His Peace is Grace

To run the weary race

His Peace is comfort

In a chosen place

His Peace is Love

Where no Love exists

His Peace is unconditional

To him there is no risk

Challenges are before us

The mountains are high

His Wisdom and Understanding

He will never deny

The Peace of God

Surpasses all understanding

When the challenges of life

Become so demanding.

May the Lord add His Blessings.

© 2019 JKDS Outreach LLC

January 7th, 2020
