That Guides Your Journey
John 8:32
Many Kings know the Truth and God’s Master Plan. They have written about these Truths throughout history. These Truths are inspired by God. Quite often the enemy will attempt to camouflage the Truth. Nobody knows Anything. We experience this on a daily basis.
The verse from “*Up Jumps the Devil” describes what we experience Traveling the Road Less Travelled.
*When you’re traveling
The road of right
Up jumps the devil
With all of his might
We have to seek Truth as written in the Scriptures. (Philippians 4:8) provides a formula for Truth Seekers to abide in. Our focus is always on those things that are Pure, Right, and Lovely. Is it True, Is it Kind, Is it Necessary. Thinking on these things keeps our eyes of understanding open.. We understand that darkness can never prevail over the Light. We never weaken. We keep our hands on the Spiritual switch. *“Never Weaken” gives us insight on the standard Kingdom Builders must attain.
Never Weaken
Never Sway
Just believe in promises
Trust in His word every day
As I write, I think about the song Open Our Eyes sang by Earth, Wind and Fire. The message in the song is loud and clear. Open our Spiritual eyes. We will absorb more Truth by keeping our hands on our Spiritual Switch. He has granted us many Blessings, Cattle over a Thousand Hills. The Desires of our Heart. The Peace that surpasses Understanding. According to our Faith be it unto us.
Each day during the week take an account of the time we spend opening our Spiritual eyes.
May the Lord add His Blessings.
*From the Book Overcoming Darkness. Used with permission.
© 2019 JKDS Outreach LLC
June 24th, 2019