That Guides Your Journey
This Message is inspired by the Reading Up Jumps the Devil from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
The Prince of Darkness places many obstacles in our quest for understanding and knowledge of the Truth. It all began in the Garden of Eden when Eve was deceived into believing she and Adam would exist as Gods with the ability to know Good and Evil. Throughout history, Our imperfect minds have worked against us being Doers of the Word. (Genesis 3: 4-5, James 1:22-25)
There are an innumerable number of Religious Organizations in the World. Each has a variety of Practices, Views and Beliefs. Mankind has always wanted to know what God knows. Man’s construction of the Tower Of Babel was man’s attempt to reach into the Heavens to better understand God’s Plan. Our Languages are now confounded, making it difficult to understand where the Truth lies. (Genesis 11: 1-9)
Today, for the layman, it is especially difficult to distinguish the Truth from the myriad of views and Opinions that are prevalent in the World. Thankfully, We can all agree that God’s Ways and Thoughts are much Higher than our Ways. We can all agree that He Will Judge the World in Righteousness. Once we recognize God’s Higher Power, it is our duty to submit. By contrast, We see the Masses taking bits and pieces of the Truth, but never coming to a full knowledge. (Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55: 8-9, Psalms 96:3, Proverbs 21:2, 2 Timothy 3:7)
As Doers of the Word, we subscribe to the Spirit of Truth (Keep It Simple). We guard our Heart and are the Best in all we endeavor. We subscribe to God’s Order in all matters. This Truth sets our Minds Free. There is no need to subscribe to Doctrines to understand God’s Word. Doctrines are merely Man’s views and Opinions. (Proverbs 4:23, John 8:32, Colossians 3:2)
Not just Being a Hearer but being a Doer is a calling that surpasses all understanding. We are in the World but not of the World. We cast all of our Cares on God. We let God establish our Plans. We are to be Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves. Our fulfillment of Doing the Word is manifested in us Working out our own salvation. Spending our efforts in working out our own salvation keeps us free from the views and doctrines of man. (2 Peter 1:10, Philippians 4: 6-7, Romans 12:2, John 8:23, Philippians 3:20-21)
Song of the Week:
“A Call to Hear” written and performed by John Stuckey Jr
When you’re traveling
The road of right
Up jumps the devil
With all of his might
He will torment the mind
Cause some sleepless nights
Using any tool
To keep God out of sight
He will jump up
In many fashions and forms
Using the hooks and charms
Of temptation’s mighty arms
He uses frustration
To take our smile away
He will send the darkness
To mess up your day
He makes the people
Always want to fight
And do the many things
We know are just not right
Up jumps the devil
When traveling the road of right
God provides full armor
To turn his darkness into light