

This Message is inspired by the Reading, “We’ve Been in the Darkness Too Long” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

The Scriptures teach that Satan is the Ruler of this World. In his capacity as ruler; his mission is to kill, steal and destroy.  Satan’s wickedness places Evil in our path on a daily basis. The wickedness includes keeping people in confusion, full of greed and filled with self-righteousness.  These conditions promote Darkness.  The Scriptures inform us that Darkness surrounds us on a daily basis. Darkness covers the earth and in Gross Darkness are the people. (Ephesians 2:2, John 12:31, John 10:10, Isaiah 60:2

Our Spiritual Eyes must continually scan our environment to ensure we are not succumbing to the wiles of Satan (Do Not Bite Off the Fruit). Our defense is to always put on the whole armour of God.  The Scriptures teach that we have no concerns or cares regarding the current evil dispensation in this World. These events we are witnessing are to occur prior to the establishment of God’s Kingdom here on earth. We see Man Fighting Man and Men being lovers of themselves (1 John 2:15-17, Ephesians 6: 10-12, Mark 4:19, 2 Timothy 3:1).

Fortunately, God has already written the Plan to make the World Better. God’s Plan is to establish His Kingdom here on Earth. God’s Plan is that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. God’s Plan is that all shall come to know Him and come to a full knowledge of the Truth. This Truth permits us to see past the Darkness of the Day and understand that all matters in this current dispensation will be dissolved. The Great promise is that our eyes have not seen and our ears have not heard what Blessings God has in store for us. (Matthew 6:10, Romans 14:11, 2 Timothy 2:24-26, John 12:31, I Corinthians 2: 9)

Song of the Week

“Been in the Darkness Too Long” written and performed by John Stuckey Jr

We’ve Been In The Darkness Too Long

Cutting Corners Selling Souls

This way of life has taken 

A Mighty Toll

We’ve Been In the Darkness Too Long

Fighting for Pennies 

Conning for Control

Is this how to reach a Goal

We’ve Been In the Darkness Too Long

Back Stabbing Lying & Deceit

One Day for Sure

Our Creator we must meet

We’ve Been In the Darkness Too Long

Generation after Generation

The enemy’s cure prevails

Having us believe in nothing but Fairy Tales

We’ve Been In the Darkness Too Long

Today we see the Light

And see God’s Spirit shine bright

His Will is always for Right

We’ve Been In the Darkness Too Long

