

This Message is inspired by the Reading “The Teacher” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

Our Spiritual Journey is filled with decisions that confront and challenge us to Renew our Mind.  As Spiritual Thinkers, we acknowledge that what we thought in the past interferes with our Spiritual Growth.  Daily we are transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may be fully equipped to do a great work (Mark 2:22)

The first step in the Renewing of our Mind is to embrace God’s Order (Decent and In Order). Our former way of thinking is full of the Demons and Unclean Spirits that negatively influenced our thoughts and actions (Unclean Spirits). Embracing God’s Order grants us the Wisdom to navigate our Spiritual Journey free of deception and confusion. We acknowledge that God’s Order is Absolute.  His Word will not return unto Him Void. (Romans 12:2, Psalms 37: 23, Ephesians 6:12, Proverbs 4: 6-7, Isaiah 55:11)

Our New Spirit is filled with a desire not just to know the Bible and Scriptures, but a desire to seek the Spirit of Truth and Righteousness (Who We Are). Simply knowing God’s Word is not enough. Our Heart’s desire is to display Godliness through our own words and actions. Our New Spirit is a Temple not made by Hands but anointed by the Spirit of Truth. (2 Corinthians 13:11, Proverbs 4:7, Acts 7: 48-50, John 16:13)

Traveling Life’s Highway, we see the Time is at Hand (Thy Kingdom Come). During these Times of Trouble, we are witnessing God’s Kingdom being ushered into the Earth . There are Famines, Rumors of War and cries for Peace all occurring simultaneously. These are the prophecies that God’s Kingdom is forthcoming.  Our Spiritual Eyes encourage us to make our calling and election sure and to put away the thinking of the past. (Matthew 24: 6-7, 2 Peter 1:10, Titus 2:11)

Song of the Week: 

“A Teacher” written and performed by John Stuckey Jr


What we need is not a Leader

What we need requires a Teacher

A Leader can lead us to battle fate

A Teacher can teach us to conquer hate

A Leader can lead us far astray

A Teacher will teach us

Truth in our heavenly father’s way

A Leader will bear arms and fight

A Teacher wins with God’s power and might

A Teacher the Leader is not, you see

But a Leader a Teacher can surely be

