

This Message is inspired by the Reading “Thoughts” from the Book Overcoming Darkness

Operating in the Spirit of Truth is synonymous with Our Spiritual Growth.  Our Old Man’s desires are constantly attacking our Spirit.  We see things that our Human Eyes desire and will use any means necessary to achieve them. However, the Spirit of Truth takes precedence over our Human desires. (John 16:13, John 15:26, 1 John 4:6)

Reaching Out, Giving Love is the strength of our Armor. Daily, We encounter the Human Spirit on our Spiritual journey.  The Human Spirit will insist that we carry out their desires. The Spirit of Truth never submits to the desires of the Human Spirit.  The Spirit of Truth easily recognizes the enemy’s attempts to invade and we cause him to flee (Put Your Foot On His Neck). The enemy’s invasion is described as “By Any Means Necessary.”  Unclean Spirits such as this are running rampant throughout the Earth. (Ephesians 6:11-18, Matthew 10:16)

Similar to a Wedge, Unclean Spirits start small then grow larger.  When we Reach Out and Give Love we become invincible to the Unclean Spirits such as Blame, Name Calling, Opinions and Views (Right is Right). We become Wise as a Serpent and Harmless as a Dove. (Matthew 10:16)

Adam failed to uphold the responsibility of Letting the Spirit of Truth guide Him. Adam’s failure resulted in Mankind being immersed in Sin. The Spirit of Truth and Grace provides reconciliation for our Sins. God Sacrificed His only son to grant us life. (Genesis 3:11, John 3:16)

When we Reach Out, Give Love and Let the Spirit of Truth Guide us; we rid ourselves of a Judgmental Spirit.  Knowing that all have sinned, we sprinkle Love in all the actions we must take. The Spirit of Truth is full of Love and Forgiveness.  When we must take a stand we stand with Love and Grace. (Romans 3:23-24, Colossians 3:14, Ephesians 5:2)

Song of the Week: 

“Good Thoughts” written and performed by John Stuckey Jr


A flower can we grow

Without the rain water’s flow

A mind can we reach

Without the tools to teach

A day can we see

Without wanting a sun that shines

Life’s highway can we travel

Without a little time

A river cannot flow

Without a place to go

A picture cannot exist

Without a scene to show

A life can we live

Without wanting to give

Blessings do we deserve

If God we do not serve

