

This Message is inspired by the Reading, “A Teacher” from the book, Overcoming Darkness.

This is the Season when many memorialize the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is our greatest example of submitting to God’s Will. He gave His Life and His Free Will as a perfect sacrifice for Mankind’s Sins and disobedience; Sins which began in the Garden of Eden.  We witness God’s Balance when we examine the magnitude of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb.  A Perfect Man sacrificed in atonement for Man’s Imperfections and Sins. (1 Corinthians 11:24, 1 Peter 1: 18-20)

Simon Peter cut off the ear of the High Priest’s servant. His Human Spirit was prepared to fight and take arms to establish the authority of Christ. When Jesus told Simon Peter “Shall I not Drink the cup the Father has given me,” He taught us that our Spirituality far exceeds our Temporal desires. The Battle is never ours, but the Lord’s. (John 18:11, 1 Peter 2:11, 1 John 2: 15-17)

Our Spiritual Growth is full of Blessings when we submit to God establishing our Plans. We experience the Transformation towards Spiritual Thinking by continually renewing our Minds. As Jesus taught,  we can’t enforce nor implement God’s Will (Old Wine New Bottle). Jesus told  Simon Peter to put up his sword and accept God’s Will. According to Our Faith be it unto us. (Romans 12:2, Proverbs 16:9, 1 Peter 1:18, 1 Corinthians 11:28, Colossians 3:2)

Our Destiny lies in drinking from the Cup that our Heavenly Father Pours. Our  Peace is in total submission to God’s Order and God’s Will. Our Prayer is that God’s Will is done in all our affairs (Unyielding Faith). This Prayer is the cornerstone of our Faith. (Jeremiah 29: 11-13, Matthew 9:29)

Song for the Week: 

“A Teacher” Written and Performed by John Stuckey Jr


What we need is not a Leader

What we need requires a Teacher

A Leader can lead us to battle fate

A Teacher can teach us to conquer hate

A Leader can lead us far astray

A Teacher will teach us

Truth in our heavenly father’s way

A Leader will bear arms and fight

A Teacher wins with God’s power and might

A Teacher the Leader is not, you see

But a Leader a Teacher can surely be

