That Guides Your Journey
This Message is inspired by the Reading, “A King” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
The Spirit of Independence and the Spirit of “Mine” and “Yours” are barriers that prevent Submission in many Marriages. The Enemy continually places obstacles in the Wife’s path. These obstacles while they seem minuscule, actually operate like a Wedge. Small on one end. Huge on another.
The Spirit of “Mine” and “Yours” promotes The I Spirit. The Scriptures Teach that a Husband and Wife Become One. The “Mine and Yours” and “Separate but Equal” Spirit does not achieve God’s Spirit of the Husband and Wife being as One. (Genesis 3:6, Genesis 2:24, 1 Peter 5:8)
Unclean Spirits have Wives ignore God’s Order that they must Submit to their Husbands. These Unclean Spirits include assertions that the Head is not led by the Spirit and the Head does not have knowledge of the Word (Blame). They then assert that the Wife’s Will should prevail. The Wife then gives the appearance that she is stronger and has more Wisdom than the Head. (1 Peter 3:7, I Corinthians 15:3, John 16:13)
God Ordained submissions of the Wife to her husband. If not, she is Usurping the Authority of the Head. Where we find a Combative Spirit, we find Unclean Spirits making an attempt to prevail. In a Strong Man’s House, these Spirits are never allowed to enter. The Practice of Order is the Foundation in a Strong Man’s House. A Strong Man will not permit Himself to be Bound. (Mark 3:27, Matthew 12:29)
God’s Kingdom is being established on Earth. As the light shines brighter until that perfect day, we will see a separation of the wheat and the tares. The Role of the Helpmate Suitable has been established in the Scriptures and it is the Standard to be spread throughout the Earth. (Proverbs 4:18, Matthew 6:10, Matthew 13:30, Exodus 15:18, Proverbs 14:1)
Song for the Week:
“I Am A King” Written and Performed by John Stuckey Jr
What makes a King
Is it the songs he sings
Is it his understanding of goodwill
And love to all men
Is it his Wisdom
That surpasses understanding
Or is it his courage to play
The last man standing
Is it his voice
That rings far and near
Or is it his voice
That makes all things clear
Is it his understanding
To always know the difference
Is it his authority
To always state his preference
Is it his Love for his Creator
Or Is it his understanding
Of how God grants him favor
Great is a King
Who is blessed with power and might
To rule his territory
With God’s plan in sight