

This Message is inspired by the Reading, “The Art of Giving” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

Following the scripture, “Forgive us our Trespasses as we Forgive those who trespass against us,” is vital in reinforcing our Spiritual Growth. Entrenching our Hearts in Forgiveness helps us Work out our Salvation. We appreciate and embody the Spirit that None are Righteous.  Wisdom grants us the ability to Despise the Sin and not the Sinner. Jesus taught that if we forgive others for their transgressions, our Heavenly Father will forgive us. Striving to Be a Blessing assists us in dealing with adversity. We learn to Pray for those that cause us Harm.  We relinquish the spirit of tit for tat. We never render evil for evil.  Vengeance Belongs to God. (Matthew 6:12-14, Philippians 2:12-13, Isaiah 61:8-9, Matthew 6:14-15, Luke 6:28, Romans 12:17-19)

Our World is full of Blasphemous, Corrupt and Evil Spirits. Our Weapon against these Spirits is Love and Forgiveness. We forgive and forget.  This does not mean that we condone a trespass against us. We despise the Sin and promote Justice with Love and Kindness. This is a requirement to enter into God’s Kingdom. God despises Robbery and Wrong Doing. (2 Timothy 3:1-7, Revelation 17:3, Isaiah 1:4, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 61:8)

Forgiveness requires the Trespasser to Repent.  Their Spirit demonstrates Humility and a heartfelt desire to demonstrate repentance. The Trespasser’s Repentance requires them to acknowledge their wrong. We then will see a notable change in their Character.  We see a relinquishing of Free Will and witness them Letting God direct their Path. (Luke 17:3-4, Acts 3:19, 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, Romans 2:5)

We can Forgive and Forget, but we are not required to return to any conditions that aren’t ordained by God.  Right is synonymous with Forgiveness. Seeking Justice should not be construed as seeking vengeance or passing judgment. We seek what is Right in God’s Sight as the solution in all matters. Building our Houses’ Foundation on Right will withstand the Wiles of the Devil. (Proverbs 28:5, Romans 2:5, Isaiah 1:17, Matthew 7:24-37, Ephesians 6:11)

Song for the Week: 

Grace of God – Written and Performed by John Stuckey Jr


When you find God

His spirit lives in your heart

The art of giving

Is one of your great rewards

To open our hearts 

 In spite of all wrongs 

Gives a good feeling

And makes our hearts very strong

To share our mind

 So that others may learn

Is the spirit of giving

A life worth living

To find in your mind 

A heart made of gold 

Gives you a feeling

Of Never Growing Old

