

This Message is inspired by the Reading “Walking The Line” from the Book, Overcoming Darkness.

In Order to be Righteous and receive Justice, we must always give an account of our actions to God. Our Flesh attempts to deny our culpability in our daily challenges. Our Flesh resorts to Blame to mask our Transgressions. Our Flesh never claims responsibility for our Transgressions.  Growing Spiritually, we understand there can be no true Justice without Accountability. We learn to claim responsibility and repent for our Transgressions (Romans 14:12. Proverbs 12:15, Luke 17:3, 1 Corinthians 14:33, Ephesians 4:25, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Luke 17: 3-4)

Our Inner Demons are magnified by Satan. He is the author of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.  His goal is to Kill, Steal and Destroy. Our Self-Righteous Spirit is fertile ground for Satan to promote his Program. Our Self-Righteous Spirit always finds fault in others, but never in our own deeds and actions. (Ephesians 6:12, John 10:10, Romans 10:3, Matthew 12:36)

Accountability and Justice are the rules of law in a Strong Man’s House. They are essential in living our lives in God’s Order (The Practice of Order). Our Hearts Love Justice, but we never seek Vengeance. We know that God’s Order is just and fair. Vengeance belongs to Him. God’s Light shines brighter until that perfect day. Our appreciation for God’s Order grows measurably in preparation for the Perfect Day. Our life’s mission is to be written in the Book of Life. (1 Timothy 3:3, Jeremiah 17:10, Romans 12:17, James 4:17, Revelations 20:15)

We must continually incorporate Accountability and Justice into our Character. Accountability and Justice are staples in our Armor; helping us withstand the wiles of Satan. The enemy is seeking to devour anyone He can. (Ephesians 4:11, Colossians 3:16)

Just as He has done since the beginning of time, God continues to send us messengers to spread His Word. God continually fulfills His Promise that His Word will never return unto Him Void. (Isaiah 55:11 & James 3:1)

Song for the Week: 

“Keep Pushing On” Written and Performed by John Stuckey Jr


The path of right and wrong

 Is ever present and near

Right is for those 

Who have an ear to hear

When life tries to take away

 Your very existence 

Our human instincts

Are to fight with all resistance

Some will cross the line

 And lose their way

Thank God for his judgment 

To keep us on his narrow way

It’s a thin line Between Love and Hate

So, of its fruits 

We cannot partake

Only the strong survive

 With strength and might

Love, Patience, and Kindness 

Are our weapons in the fight

