

This Message is inspired by the Reading “Life” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

When we Keep Our Mind and Thoughts on our Heavenly Father’s Word, we receive many Blessings (Living A Blessed Life). God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. We seek Good through our Spirit. The Fruits of God’s Spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and Self-Control (BE A Blessing). These are the things that are pure and Lovely. (Deuteronomy 28:2, Proverbs 16:20, Galatians 5:22-23) 

God’s Divine Power grants us all things that pertain to life and Godliness (Life Abundantly). Being good in our Hearts gives us the authority to produce Good (What Happened to Good). We are blessed coming in and blessed going out.  All of our work is blessed with increase. (2 Peter 1:3, Luke 6:45, Jeremiah 29:11, Deuteronomy 28:8-12)

We often overlook what God has done in our lives (Sing Joyfully to The Lord). The Enemy would have us believe that it is our talent and skills that brings us Blessings. Walking in Faith, we understand that we can never achieve nor accomplished anything but for the Grace of God. We treasure the experience of never being forsaken nor never begging for bread. God’s Grace ensures we have all we need at all times. (Mark 14:36, John 5:30, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Deuteronomy 28:6, Psalm 37:25, Philippians 4:19)

Eyes have not seen, Ears have not Heard, neither has it entered into the Hearts of Man the Blessings God Has in store for us. This is the ultimate Blessing God promises to all mankind that have ears to hear. When we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, we are praying for the many Blessings God has promised.

Song for the Week: 

Blessings Blessings Blessings Performed and Written by John Stuckey Jr

Life Abundantly

If there was no sun

How could we exist

If there was not life

What would we miss

If there was no water

What would we drink

If we had no mind

How could we think

If there was no rain

How could a flower grow

If we had no thoughts

What would we know

If there was no moon

Would there be an earth

If there were no mothers

Who would give birth

All the blessings in life

God gives to us each day

Showing all mankind that

His word is the only way

