That Guides Your Journey
This Message is inspired by the Reading, “A Queen” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
The Enemy has blurred the Role of the Wife, having some to believe that Authority over the household and the responsibility for Spiritual Growth is not vested in the Head (Absolute Authority). Today, defining your Wife as your Helper is frowned upon and looked at as being degrading. Spiritual Wickedness promotes a belief that the Wife is independent and self-reliant. A Helpmeet respects that she must submit to God and her Husband in everything. (Ephesians 5:22-23, 1 Peter 3:1-2, Romans 10:3)
A Helpmeet rejects the Spirit of Independence and Self-Reliance (A House Divided). She understands that these Spirits are not good spirits and only work to usurp the authority and Order God Has Established. We learn that the Spirit of Oneness is what is promoted in a Strong Man’s House. Thankfully, In God’s Plan for Salvation, we will no longer partake of the fruits of evil and lies promoted by the enemy. (2 Corinthians 3:5, Philippians 2:3, I Timothy 2:12, Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, Jeremiah 29:11)
The Bible defines the role of the Helpmeet. She is to be a helper to her husband. She knows and understands that as a Helper to her Husband she must demonstrate Submission. She knows what is Decent and in Order in God’s Sight and vigorously defends Righteousness. She rejects Views and Opinions. She Understands that the enemy’s primary goal is to kill, steal and destroy. She supports her Husband’s Gifts and supports her Husband’s works. (1 Corinthians 11:9, Ephesians 5:22-24, 1 Peter 5:3, John 10:10, Ephesians 5:22-23)
Today, we witness the Wife operating as the Head. She makes independent decisions that usurp the authority of the Head and are in direct conflict with the Order God has established (A House Divided). We witness this dynamic when we see the Wife attempting to operate as the Strongest and Wisest in the Household. Spiritual Wickedness encourages thinking that destroys a Peaceful Spirit and promotes confusion with action contrary to God’s Order. (The Practice of Order) (I Timothy 1:13, 1 Timothy 2:12, I Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 6:12, Philippians 4:8)
A Helpmeet knows that God made the Wife weaker, but not inferior (A Helpmeet Suitable). She complements the Gifts God has bestowed upon her husband. She accepts God’s Order in her Marriage and Home. (1 Peter 3:7, Ephesians 5:3)
Song for the Week:
“Send Me an Angel” Written and Performed by John Stuckey Jr
A Queen rules Her Territory
With a Love to do what is right
From her tongue flows beauty
Because her God is always in sight
A Queen is honor and dignity
And her glow forever shines
She knows how to Love
And forever is very kind
A Queen never leaves
When the darkness turns to night
A Queen knows Her God
Will turn darkness into light
A Queen knows Her fate
is the treasures and gifts in life
She knows Her life’s story
Is to be Her Creator’s glory
A Queen has treasures
Many may not see
She believes in God almighty
Always facing Life’s Reality