

This message is inspired by the Reading “A King” from the book Overcoming Darkness.

God has anointed a Husband with the responsibility of being the Head and Leader in the Household. In this Role, He never resorts to dictatorial tactics.  He understands that he is the strongest and must exercise his authority judiciously.  A Husband must exercise his authority with Love and restraint. (Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 3:19, 1 Peter 3:7, 1 Timothy 3: 4-5)

A Husband is never a disciplinarian. He is to Love his wife unconditionally.  His Love should not be construed as unconditional acceptance of the will of the Wife (Firm and Fair).  A Husband‘s role is to understand and share the Order God Has Ordained for Husband and Wife in Marriage. (A Strong Man’s House). He must not submit to His Wife when she usurps Authority (Never Weaken). A Husband does not partake of the fruits of evils to satisfy the desires of His wife. (Ephesians 5:28-29, 1 Peter 3:1-2, I Timothy 2:12, Genesis 3: 17-19)

The Spirit of Equality has confused and diluted the Role of the Husband. A Wife may attempt to be the Spiritual Leader in the Home. She may think that her Husband is not a believer because he does not subscribe to her religious beliefs. She will cite 1 Corinthians 7:14 or Ephesians 5:21. Our Spiritual Eyes provide us understanding of Submission so that we never have to Justify our Actions (Justification). She will not recognize her Husband’s Role and His Authority.  She becomes confused because her spirit understands that she must submit, but her flesh and demons within will not let her (A Double Minded Spirit). The House then becomes divided (A House Divided). (2 Corinthians 6: 14, Matthew 12:25)

When a Husband and Wife become one, the Role of the Husband is easily discernible. Decent and in Order in God’s Sight is the beacon that dwells within their Household. (Genesis 2:24, 1 Corinthians 14:40)

Song for the Week:


“A King” Written and performed by John Stuckey Jr


What makes a King

Is it the songs he sings

Is it his understanding of goodwill 

And love to all men

Is it his Wisdom

That surpasses Understanding

Or is it his courage to play

The last man standing

Is it his voice

That rings far and near

Or is it his voice

That makes all things clear

Is it His Understanding

To always know the difference

Is it His authority

To always state his preference

Is it His Love

for the Creator

Or Is it His understanding

Of how God grants Him favor

Great is a King

Who is Blessed with Power and Might

To rule his territory

With God’s Plan in Sight

Song for the Week: 

“A King” Written and performed by John Stuckey Jr


What makes a King

Is it the songs he sings

Is it his understanding of goodwill 

And love to all men

Is it his Wisdom

That surpasses Understanding

Or is it his courage to play

The last man standing

Is it his voice

That rings far and near

Or is it his voice

That makes all things clear

Is it His Understanding

To always know the difference

Is it His authority

To always state his preference

Is it His Love

for the Creator

Or Is it His understanding

Of how God grants Him favor

Great is a King

Who is Blessed with Power and Might

To rule his territory

With God’s Plan in Sight

