This message is inspired by the Reading “Life” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
As we grow Spiritually, our eyes see the many Blessings God Grants to us. We quite often take these Blessings for granted. Air, Water, Life and Nature are all things we see that demonstrate God’s Power and Authority. (Genesis 1: 1-31)
God has the Infinite Wisdom to number the Hairs on our Head. His Will is always being done. When we Focus on His Will our results are always favorable. This is the mind that is stayed on Him. (Matthew 10:29-31, Matthew 17:20)
This dedication to His Will is addressed in our Reading “Everything Has Balance”:
“He Controls the Wind and the Waves
Our lost Souls He Must Save
His Balance is Our Peace
His Blessings are always within Reach”
Daily we want to renew our minds and think only on those things that are Pure and Lovely. We are not concerned about the cares of this World. His Word and Promise is “I AM THAT I AM”. (Philippians 4:8, Romans 12: 2, EXODUS 3:17)