

We are witnessing great things being accomplished in God’s Plan. We have a great opportunity to draw nigh unto Him. (James 4:8) We now have an opportunity to seek a word from the Lord.

In (1 Corinthians 2:9) we read, “Our Eyes have not seen our Ears have not heard our Minds cannot even conceive what God has prepared for those who Love Him.”

We who have Ears that hear and Eyes that see understand that God is ushering in His Kingdom. We Pray quite often in the Lord’s Prayer “Thy Kingdom Come.” We can have peace knowing that his Kingdom is being established. Our Blessings come from what God has prepared for us.

We find in (Habakkuk 2:14) that “The Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord just as the waters cover the sea.” We now have 24-hour access to Him. We have Communications that are reaching around the World. Video and Speech in real time from around the world is available. Every Translation of the Bible is available 24-hours a day. It is available in any language we speak. Communications are unlimited. We can search on our Phones, Computers or Tablets and find Scriptures on any Topic. This is evidence that God is fulfilling his Promise of better days. If your desire is to learn more of God, He is readily available.

We know that our wisdom is foolishness in God’s sight. As we reflect on the events and many issues impacting life on the earth, we find Peace when we Let Go and Let God. We are in a time described in Matthew 24:21 stating that every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess. There is a leak in this old building. Our Faith, Peace and comfort, rests in knowing that all things work together for the good and those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28). His lesson Plan prescribes certain events to occur. In 2 Peter 3:11 we See these things shall be dissolved and understand what manner of person ought we be in. We also read in (Isaiah 55:11) that His Word will not return unto Him void.

In our daily reflection that should always remind ourselves that we are in the “Window Seat.” He is the driving force in our Life and all that we do. He is God all by himself. He needs nothing from us to fulfill His plan. We are thankful to be covered by His Grace.

We close with the thought:

“Questions become Answers. Answers become Knowledge. Knowledge becomes Wisdom. Wisdom establishes Character.”

Song of the Week

Be Blessed by Yolanda Adams
