

This message is inspired by “Anger” from the Book “Overcoming Darkness.” Today, we are witnessing much Anger in the World. When we examine Anger we must examine it from the perspective that none of us are righteous. Can we change the World or bring forth Righteousness? We learn in the Scriptures that Our Creator makes us Righteous, not we within ourselves. (Romans 3:10Proverbs 16:3)

This message is inspired by “Anger” from the Book “Overcoming Darkness.” Today, we are witnessing much Anger in the World. When we examine Anger we must examine it from the perspective that none of us are righteous. Can we change the World or bring forth Righteousness? We learn in the Scriptures that Our Creator makes us Righteous, not we ourselves. (Romans 3:10Proverbs 16:3)

The Scriptures teach that Darkness will cover the Earth and the people will be in gross Darkness.  One promoter of Darkness is Anger. Anger can control our thoughts and actions. People are searching for Equality, a level playing field and Justice. Our Human Eyes believe a remedy for Justice is retribution. Conversely, our Spiritual Mind understands that Vengeance belongs to the Lord. Our Human Eyes are not capable of administering Justice.  (Isaiah 60:2Job 14:4Romans 12:19Isaiah 59:19

Our only protection from Anger is Love. The Lord is Our Shepherd. We find Love when our minds are stayed on Him. God’s Plan is for the Truth to Cover the Earth. God’s Plan is for Righteousness to prevail.  (Ephesians 6:11, Isaiah 26:3, Habakkuk 2:14)

Song of the Week

The Battle is not Yours: Yolanda Adams


Anger controls the mind

Like a thief in the night

It will cause us to do and say things

We know are not right

It is a great spirit

Becoming to the world

It will make your mind

Seem tossed and twirled 

It is the number one enemy

To control the masses

It signs up students

To its many classes 

It will destroy the good

And weak in heart

But if you guard with diligence

It will always part 

God gave us a weapon

To keep it at bay

When he gave us the message

To Love, Watch and Pray 

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