

This message is inspired by the Reading and Song “Never Weaken” from Overcoming Darkness.

When we view matters through our Spiritual Eyes we understand the importance of Being Firm and Fair.

Firm and Fair is essential in how we make decisions. Our Spiritual Eyes are not tainted by our Generational Curses. Our Human Spirit is incapable of applying Firm and Fair. Our Human Eyes see Firmness as being the Enforcer. Fortunately, Judgement belongs only to God. Our Spiritual responsibility ends once we have applied the Spirit of Truth. (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19, 1 John 4:6) 

Our ability to be Firm and Fair is blinded by our “Old Man Thinking” (FREE WILL). We apply our Human Spirit to Family, Marriage, Business, Work Environment and many other matters we encounter in Life. We resort to Justification as a remedy and explanation.

Our Firmness and Fairness is tainted by our Generational Curses. These are the demons we inherited from being born in sin. (FRUITS OF EVIL) (Ephesians 4:22-24, Hebrews 12:1) 

God’s Anointed have WISDOM knowledge and understanding that His Will is done in all matters. Thus, we examine all matters through our Spiritual Eyes. We practice What is Pleasing in God’s Sight. We remove Emotion and let Truth prevail. (Romans 8:28)

Song of the Week

Never Weaken by John Stuckey Jr


Never weaken

Never sway

Just believe in His promises

Trust in His word every day


Reach for the sky

No force can deny

His Grace is sufficient

For just you and I


The road may seem tough

Sometimes it gets rough

No cross, no crown

For me, that’s good enough


Never weaken

Never sway

For His mercy and kindness

Will brighten any day

