

This message is inspired by the Reading “Just for Me” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.

The Holiday Season brings questions regarding Celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas and other Holidays. Our Spiritual Eyes see that all Holidays and Celebrations have become Temples for the Money Changers. God promises that all these matters will be resolved. God promises that all shall come to know Him and His Plan from the Least to the Greatest. (Hebrews 8:11, Jeremiah 31:34, Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18)

God’s Anointed never denounce nor degrade those that Celebrate Holidays. A common misconception is that we have a responsibility to correct the errors of others.  God has stated that Judgement belongs to Him, God has Ordained a Plan for Mankind to come to know Him. God’s Plan and Order is for us to have Everlasting Life and Life More Abundantly (Life Abundantly). His Yoke is Easy. (Keep It Simple). The Truth will cover the Earth. (1 John 2:27, Romans 2:1-16, Hebrews 10:30, Matthew 11:30).

Our Self-Righteous Spirit encourages us to demean unbelievers and those we classify as Sinners (Disfellowship). Some people may find it unscriptural to Celebrate Holidays, but many of those same people exhibit their own Human Imperfections in other areas of life (Our Tongue). Who is to say whose imperfection is worse? Let the one that is perfect cast the first stone. (John 8:7)

We in our Human capacity are incapable of Judging Another’s Actions.  We are born in Sin.    Our role is to be an example in how to Live. We Let our Light Shine through our Character. When we are critical of others let us be reminded that None of us are Righteous, not one of Us. (Psalm 51:5-6, Romans 5:12, Matthew 5:16)

Song of the Week: 

“Just for Me” Written and performed by John Stuckey Jr


We must choose our words and be sincere

So our voice is heard loud and clear

And all with a listening ear

Will treasure our words and hold them dear

These are the best of times

But not for strong wine

For his word is the strength

To keep trouble from our Mind

We are more than just Conquerors

Traveling the road of life

We come to claim the victory

Not pain, Not sorrow, Not strife

And when we choose our words

Never walking in fear

Our Creator’s Heavenly Voice

Resounds in our Ear

Love has been the Key

Throughout Eternity

With His blessing showering

Just for You and Me

