That Guides Your Journey
This Message is inspired by the Reading, “The Road Less Traveled” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
As God’s Anointed our Spiritual Eyes recognize that we are a God’s Temple. God’s Spirit dwells within us. Our actions and understanding are never the same as the understanding found in the World. God has chosen us to be a Peculiar People unto himself above all nations that are upon the Earth. Our Spiritual Eyes have great clarity in understanding our Favor. We take great pleasure in the responsibilities that come with God’s Favor, To Whom much is given much is required. (Deuteronomy 14:2, 1 Peter 2:9, Luke 12:48)
Our thoughts, speech and behavior are what distinguishes us as peculiar People. We have discarded the thinking of the Old Man. We have discarded the Self-Righteous Spirit (“Self-Righteous Spirit”). We are recognized by the good fruits we bear. (Ephesians 4:22, John 7:17, Galatians 5:22)
God has enlightened us with Wisdom and Understanding. We do not fight for Right, We Stand for Right. (“Right is Right”) We commit our plans to God and let Him direct our Path. We seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. We have no thought for tomorrow. We bring praise and honor to God’s Name. We operate in the Order God Ordains. (“Order”) (Proverbs 2:6, Proverbs 16:3, Matthew 6:34, Jeremiah 29:11)
The Road Less Traveled is not a crowded Highway. Many are called but few are chosen. God’s Spirit of Truth is the Beacon that guides our daily lives. We continually seek to make our Calling and Election sure (“Working Out Our Own Salvation”). God provides us comfort in knowing that we are his Heirs. We are no longer slaves to our former views and opinions. God’s Spirit of Righteousness dwells within our Heart. (2 Peter 1:10, Matthew 22:14, Galatians 4:7)
Song of the Week
“The Road Less Traveled” Written and performed by John Stuckey Jr
The road less traveled
Far and near
Singing voices of love
Ringing in my ear
Being always mindful of his cheer
Being prayerful for his promises always near
Being overwhelmed by his shining glory
Being blessed to tell the story
The road less traveled
Not a crowded highway
Knowing tomorrow becomes yesterday
Is why we sing Oh Happy Day
Knowing his will
Is always used for good
We can’t doubt his promises
Even if we could
The road less traveled
A highway it is
Full of his blessings
And the promises He fulfills