The Message is inspired by the Reading “Walking The Line” from Overcoming Darkness.
As Legislators contemplate passage of new Legislation that governs our Social and Moral conduct, we must consider the governance that currently exist. We have Legislation that governs every aspect of our lives including Business Opportunities, Employment, Housing, and Banking, just to name a few. All of these were developed under the auspices of “leveling the playing field.” To date, Legislation and Programs have not fulfilled Man’s cry for Social Justice. Man has not implemented what has already been Legislated. Are we attempting to put Old Wine in a New Bottle? (Matthew 9:17,Matthew 7:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:3)
I have experienced Oppressive and Discriminatory practices. A Banker once asked me, “Why are you Here? As good as your Numbers look, you should have a Bank in your Back Pocket.” I asked him, “Do you want to be that Banker?” and a quiet came over the Office. I can share many stories. I’ve seen the Spiritual Wickedness in High Places. I’ve seen the devil jump up with all his might. What I know for sure is that I came this far by God’s Grace. I can see God’s Favor in my many Victories. He gave me the strength to climb. (Ephesians 6:12).
We know that Man’s Justice and Moral behavior is born and shaped in iniquity. Iniquity comes in people of all races, creeds and colors. It is in every nation and every land. We are Blessed to know that God is no respecter of person. (Psalm 51:5, Romans 3:10, Acts 10:34)
My Greatest Victories have come when I encountered Oppression and Discriminatory Practices. God instilled in me the Spirit of Hating the Sin not the Sinner. Our Human Eyes only see the actions of the Sinner. We want to make matters right. We know that God makes all matters right. We know the Battle is never Ours. He would never have us beg. We give the enemy no room to Breathe. We have our Foot on his Neck. Our Faith is that of Job. (Job 1: 21-22, James 4:7)