That Guides Your Journey
This Message is inspired by the Reading “What God Do You Serve” from the Book, Overcoming Darkness.
The Enemy takes great Pride in controlling our Spirit and our Mind. He uses brainwashing techniques to have us believe that simply studying and citing Scriptures is pleasing to God. The Double Minded Spirit’s actions are fueled by its own views and opinions and not by God’s Order (Overcoming Darkness Pt 2). A Double Minded Spirit is ever-learning but never attains a full knowledge of the Truth. (Ephesians 6:11-12, 2 Timothy 3:7)
We are all born in Sin and Shapened in Iniquity (None are Righteous). To grow spiritually, we learn to practice Right is Right (Right v. Freewill). The first step in this journey is learning to follow God’s Order. As we follow God’s Order, we gain much wisdom and knowledge. God’s Order is the Spirit of Truth. When we embrace his Order we lose all attachment to the Double Minded Spirit. We are no longer plagued by internal debates of what is Right and Wrong. We are grounded in a Foundation of Truth. (Psalm 51:5, Colossians 3:1-4, 2 Timothy 2:15)
As we grow Spiritually, we let go of the Flesh’s Thinking in all the affairs and encounters we experience in Life. Our Flesh wants to have Faith, but also wants to forecast outcomes through our Fleshly Spirit. This is a classic Double Minded Spirit. The Double Minded Spirit will claim to have the answers for how we can reach the most desirable results in all of our endeavors. By contrast, our Spiritual Eyes accept that all of our Steps Are Ordered by God. When we follow our Spiritual Eyes we relinquish full control and authority to God. (Matthew 26:41, Psalm 121:7-8, 2 Timothy 3:5, Psalm 37:3, Psalm 73:28)
We rid ourselves of the Double Minded Spirit by Thinking on those things that are pure, lovely, and Honest. Our Minds are set free from the Unclean Spirit of being Double Minded. This is the Peace that surpasses all Understanding. (Philippians 4: 7-8)
Song for the Week:
“Make God First” Written and Performed by John Stuckey Jr
What God do you serve?
Is it the god that promotes sins?
Is it the God of false idols?
Or belief in other men
What God do you serve?
Is it the god of envy and greed?
Or is it the God that supplies
Your every want and need
What God do you serve?
Is it the god of cars and fine dress?
Or is it the God that keeps you
Working at your best
What God do you serve?
Is it the god of alcohol and smoke?
or is it the God that fulfills
Everyone of your hopes
What God do you serve?
It is the god of money and pleasures?
Or it is the God
Who owns all of life’s treasures