That Guides Your Journey
This message is inspired by the Reading “Anger” from the Book Overcoming Darkness.
Being Born in Sin, our Human Experience causes us to become angry. Anger cultivates a Waring Spirit. The Waring Spirit believes we can make things right and bring about justice. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. God’s Anointed are always slow to anger. (Psalms 51:5, Psalms 37:8, Romans 12:9)
When sharing Truth, we are cognizant that force is not necessary. God’s Anointed utilize the power of Truth. Truth is our only Weapon. We appreciate the Word of God and its Power. Power is sharper than any two-edged sword. (2 Corinthians 10:4, John 8:32, Hebrews 4:12)
When we incorporate Meekness and Kindness in our Character, we walk with Authority that confounds the Wisdom of the World. We walk in the Flesh, but not of the Flesh. We are Firm and Fair. The Meek are blessed to know who will inherit the Earth. (1 Corinthians 5:19, 2 Corinthians 5:3, Matthew 5:5-9)
Displaying Meekness and Gentleness demonstrates an Inner Peace that keeps our minds stayed on the Creator. (Isaiah 26:3)
Song of the Week
“He’s All I Got” by John Stuckey Jr
Anger controls the mind
Like a thief in the night
It will cause us to do and say things
We know are not right
It is a great spirit
Becoming to the world
It will make your mind
Seem tossed and twirled
It is the number one enemy
To control the masses
It signs up students
To its many classes
It will destroy the good
And weak in heart
But if you guard with diligence
It will always part
God gave us a weapon
To keep it at bay
When he gave us the message
To Watch and Pray